Using your iPhone case as a business card

QR codes are great when they contain vCard information.  We love it when they are printed on business cards because you can just bust out the QR reader app on your iPhone and save the contact automatically.  It eliminates the need to key in each name, address and phone number in manually.

But what happens when you run out of business cards for the day, or just neglected to carry some around with you?  Drew Moxon sent us his solution: A QR code printed on a sticker placed on the back of his Leverage back plate. He emailed his motivations for using his phone a business card:

As a designer, I love making business cards, but hate bringing them with me.  The QR code helps brand myself as a mobile specialist in games, ux, media and web.  It was only fitting.

Seems like a pretty good idea to us.

Customizing the iPhone

We love it when we get emails detailing how our customers are customizing their iPhones and making it their own.  The other day, a customer named Thad had posted on our Facebook Page showing how he had used the Trunket wood veneer with our Leverage case.

What we like about this mod is that it incorporates the packaging and repurposes it into part of a back plate.  By attaching the wood skin to the backing made by the packaging, one can quickly swap out back plates without having to worry about carefully aligning the self adhesive backing to the phone.

Below are some of Thad’s instructions and photographs:

Graft Concepts Leverage with Alternative Back Plate